St. Kunickiego 10a/II, Wrocław 54-616
+48 601 873 147,  +48 575 101 162 
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to industry.


with Beckhoff Automation
and InduSoft Poland

Qualified staff

specialist in
automation and IT.

We provide comprehensive services for industrial and home automation, electrical engineering and dedicated software. We will start with detailed identification of client needs, drawn up offer containing systems, hardware, traning solutions and after sales care.


Support for technology used to build ASP.NET web applications for backend and HTML5 with JavaScripts for frondend native objects. With the development of Industry 4.0, avaible are mobile application – SMA client for smartphones, tablets, iPods, iPhones.

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Beckhoff Automation

Beckhoff created a global standard for automation with the launch of PC-based control technology in 1986. On the software side, the TwinCAT automation suite forms the core of the control system. The TwinCAT software system turns almost any PC-based system into a real-time control with multiple PLC, NC, CNC and/or robotics runtime systems.

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Complex services for automation and IT

We carry out a order, starting from project, cost analysis, implementation,testing applications and integrations with other systems.

We specialize in the fallowing categories:

Posiadamy doświadczenie w wykonywaniu przedsięwzięć dla przemysłu energetycznego. Inwestycje, które wykonywaliśmy skupiały się przede wszystkim na źródłach energii odnawialnych i dostarczaniu jej do odbiorców.

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Obróbka CNC pozwala już na szybkie, precyzyjne i wysoce powtarzalne wykonanie często bardzo złożonych elementów i kształtów. Dlatego też modernizacja czy wymiana całego systemu na system CNC spotyka się z coraz większym zainteresowaniem u producentów.

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Our strengths


For over 10 years we provide specjalist projects to industry in Poland and other EU country.


For done deployment, we ensure remote technical support. It saves your time and money.


We design systems on the newest and advanced devices. We use proven software. We are up to date with Beckhoff and InduSoft solutions.

About us

Our company has a beginning in 2005. Activity we base on our - many years of experience, professional qualifications, intensive work, constant increase of knowledge.
Currently, we are developing in the area of system engineering in IT, automation, electronics and machine constructions.
Team of our company, create squad with high level specialists, honestly advanced in full process formed and propagation system engineery, who likes your works and it's challenges